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Am I eligible?

The International Payment Service is available to holders who receive individual dividend or interest payments of £10 or more.

Payments of less than £10 and more than £100,000 will be paid by sterling cheque, unless otherwise agreed.

We will pay your dividends or interest payments direct into your bank account in the currencies listed on the countries and currencies page.

Payments must be paid into an account in the same currency eg, US Dollars can only be paid into a US Dollar account - US Dollars, cannot be paid into a Swedish Krona account. The account to where payment is to be received must be domiciled in the country of the currency you have chosen eg, a US Dollar bank account must be domiciled in the USA, US Dollars cannot be paid into a US Dollar account that is domiciled in the United Kingdom.

The company in which you receive payment of dividends and/or interest in respect of the shares or other securities must participate in the International Payment Service - companies domiciled in Ireland do not participate in the service.

The service is not available to you if you make a scrip dividend election or participate in a dividend reinvestment plan (DRIP), a dividend reinvestment scheme (DRIS) or make a scrip dividend election or where you receive payments through CREST.

Existing mandates: If you decide to participate in the Service you will be deemed to have agreed that any existing mandates which you may have given to us in respect of your shares or other securities (including without limitation, any currency election mandate in respect of the payment of dividends by the Company), or to LMSTL in respect of any holdings with them, will be replaced by the new Application and Account Details Form in respect of the Service.

International Payment Services booklet


Application and Account Details Form

Guidelines on how to complete this form can be found on page 8 of the International Payment Services leaflet.


IPS Privacy Notice
